The connection between food insecurity & eating disorders. The ways in which eating disorders show up in foster youth/children. Things to avoid when working with foster youth and children with eating disorders.
Kanoelani Patterson is 40 years old living Black & fat-positive powerlifter living in Lawton, OK. She currently holds a master's degree in social work (MSW) & is a licensed masters social worker (LMSW) and is under clinical supervision for licensure in social work. She currently works in a community mental health setting as a children’s therapist & supervisor/team lead. Her clinical focus is children/teens and families. Social work & social justice & marginalized communities have her heart. She practices an anti-diet philosophy from a liberationist framework & believes you can be active without striving for intentional weight loss. She intuitively eats and believes that food is more than calories and fuel: food is culture, food is love, food is memories, etc. She believes freedom can be found in movement & food but to do that we have to decolonize the way we view the two. WE ARE ENOUGH AS WE ARE & should be affirmed as such. In her spare time Kanoelani likes to spend time with her 8 year old Black Labrador Retriever named Kaimana and her furry niece and nephew owned by her older sister. Kanoelani is an animal lover, loves to travel, is a foodie, and is a competitive powerlifter.