Agentic Eating Disorder Treatment: Collaboration and Client Led Care

with Dr. Jennie Wang-Hall, PsyD

This presentation will explore the ways that current treatment modalities fail to empower clients to pursue meaningful and long lasting recovery. Exploration of systems of oppression that currently impact care will illuminate how clients are disempowered and invalidated through current treatment approaches. Discussion of the impact of carceral treatment will aid attendees in understanding how creating agency and collaboration in treatment is crucial to facilitating true healing and eating disorder recovery.

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Dr. Jennie Wang-Hall, PsyD

Dr. Jennifer Wang-Hall is a licensed psychologist in California who has treated EDs at all levels of care since 2011. Working in various treatment centers and teams with differing approaches, Dr. Wang-Hall has trained in a multitude of approaches and has witnessed the utility and futility of various modalities. These experiences have led her to an eclectic and client centered lens that facilitates empowerment and agency in ED recovery. Core to Dr. Wang-Hall’s approach is attunement to systems of oppression that manifest in both the development and treatment of eating disorders. She integrates attention to ableism, white supremacy, misogyny, cis heterosexism, capitalism, and settler colonialism in her care of individuals from all backgrounds struggling with eating disorders. Currently in private practice, Dr. Wang-Hall offers individual and group therapies, live meal support, trainings and consultation for providers, and online social media education. She is passionate about accessible, compassionate care for all people struggling with food and body concerns.